Instructor Oshauna
1st Degree in Wudang Tai Chi Chuan

Oshauna was introduced to Tai Chi in 2016, initially to aid in the recovery of a sporting injury however this lead her on a journey of becoming a Tai Chi instructor. Prior to starting Tai Chi Oshauna had already begun a journey of self-discovery so she quickly took to the internal aspect of Chi Kung and martial part of Tai Chi Chuan due to her sporting experiance.
During her training Oshauna has gained extensive knowledge and understanding of the intricate workings of the human body, including the mental and emotional aspects while learning from her teacher Sifu Sahu, who also inspired her to secure a level 3 certification in Sports Massage Therapy. Oshauna also has had the opportunity to deliver classes and demonstrations with different organisations alongside her teacher; these include presentations, radio talk show, interviews and health events. This has allowed her to develop her own style of teaching which utilises knowledge gained from both massage therapy and Tai Chi, to improve the lives of others.
Throughout this journey, Oshauna has learn't that ‘Emotions are a strong force that if mastered; can propel one to greatness and go beyond your own expectations, so her greatest acheivement to date is becoming an instructor during summer of 2023 where Oshauna obtained her 1st Degree in Wudang Tai Chi Chaun and is now a fully qualified instructor with the British Council of Chinese martial arts.
During her training Oshauna has gained extensive knowledge and understanding of the intricate workings of the human body, including the mental and emotional aspects while learning from her teacher Sifu Sahu, who also inspired her to secure a level 3 certification in Sports Massage Therapy. Oshauna also has had the opportunity to deliver classes and demonstrations with different organisations alongside her teacher; these include presentations, radio talk show, interviews and health events. This has allowed her to develop her own style of teaching which utilises knowledge gained from both massage therapy and Tai Chi, to improve the lives of others.
Throughout this journey, Oshauna has learn't that ‘Emotions are a strong force that if mastered; can propel one to greatness and go beyond your own expectations, so her greatest acheivement to date is becoming an instructor during summer of 2023 where Oshauna obtained her 1st Degree in Wudang Tai Chi Chaun and is now a fully qualified instructor with the British Council of Chinese martial arts.